ARM Institute announces 8 new technology projects


The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute has unveiled eight new short-cycle technology projects set to receive funding. These projects will collectively receive approximately $1.56 million in funding from various sectors, contributing to a total investment of $3.26 million across the eight initiatives. The ARM Institute selects projects from its Project Calls, which involve collaboration with internal experts, ARM Members, and the Department of Defense. The recent project call sought proposals in areas including automated robotic task planning, multi-robot collaboration, manufacturing of energetics, AI in robotics for manufacturing, and more. These projects aim to address diverse manufacturing needs, from mapping robotics advancements to offering real solutions for present manufacturing challenges. The projects reflect the strength of ARM Institute members and the collaborative impact across manufacturing stakeholders. The specific projects funded include technology assessment for virtual commissioning, robotic forging, manipulation of materials, AI and rapid re-tasking, space and hypersonics studies, emotional planning, fabric handling with robots, and a framework for collaborative robotics training. These projects align with ARM's mission to advance robotics technology in manufacturing, enhancing efficiency, adaptability, and collaboration across various industries.

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